The Cosmetic Ultralounge

Eight Beauty Superstitions

By Gunner Glam

Studio Brow naturally went searching for all the beauty superstitions people participate in.

Most, we hadn’t even heard of, but the people who believe follow them with extreme detail.

1. If a grey hair is pulled out , three more will grow in its place.

2. If you get a haircut on Good Friday it will prevent headaches in the upcoming year.

3. If the comb is dropped while combing your hair, you will experience a disappointment in the near future.

4. Keeping a lock of hair from a baby’s first haircut will bring good luck.

5. If you get a haircut, burn the shorn hair because throwing it away brings bad luck.

6. It is bad luck to clip your fingernails on Friday or Sunday.

7. If an eyelash falls off, put it on your finger. If it blows away, your wish will come true.

8. Do not wash your hair during the Chinese New Year. If you do, you will wash away your wealth and good fortune.

Do you believe in any of these superstitions? Tell us which ones you follow in the comments!

-More coming soon from Studio Brow-

17 responses

  1. Number 7 – every time! Just in case, you never know 🙂

    January 30, 2012 at 10:08 PM

  2. I only knew about No. 1 and No. 7, the rest it’s the first time I read them. LOL If No. 6 is true….then that explains so much ha ha ha ha

    January 30, 2012 at 11:19 PM

  3. I’ve only heard of number 1. The others are funny though and I’ll definitely try number 7 next time!

    January 31, 2012 at 6:18 AM

  4. I just had a baby and while I know its just a silly superstition, I still think I rather like the notion of keeping a lock of his hair. If nothing else, then to at least incorporate it into his baby book. He has a full head of hair after all! Great post.

    January 31, 2012 at 6:15 PM

  5. I haven’t really heard of the other ones, but I do no.7 all the time!

    January 31, 2012 at 8:05 PM

  6. I believed #1. For several years, I cut out my gray hairs one by one. Now, I just let it grow and use black dye. Teehee…

    January 31, 2012 at 9:31 PM

  7. Ha, I’ve only heard of the first one and yes I do follow that one!! I don’t want to welcome any new grey hairs 🙂

    February 1, 2012 at 12:10 AM

  8. This is so helpful 🙂 I should tell my mom about 1.) If a grey hair is pulled out , three more will grow in its place. Also I keep in mind about 8.)Do not wash your hair during the Chinese New Year. If you do, you will wash away your wealth and good fortune. Great post LOVE IT.

    February 1, 2012 at 1:12 AM

  9. lmwills1

    I believe the one about grey hair, cos I have a head full of them. And I’m only 31! lol

    March 9, 2012 at 6:35 PM

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