The Cosmetic Ultralounge

Tips to Keep Warm this Holiday Season

Studio Brow loves to keep you comfortable. This chilly season, we would like to let you know a few basic tips on how you can stay warm:

Let some light in – Open blinds on south-facing windows at home during the day to let in the sun. Close them in the evening to add a bit more insulation. This provides just enough mid-day warmth the heater will not be needed.

Cover bare floors with rugs – Hardwood floors above a basement tend to be cold in the morning and the late afternoon. An area rug does a fine job of keeping a person’s feet warmer.

Block drafts – The best way to do this is with weather-stripping or other forms of insulation. A blanket in front of a door helps can also be used.

Use space heaters – A portable radiator-type oil heater uses a lot of power, but not nearly as much as a furnace. Although they take a little while to get warm, once they are going they can heat a small space with little expense. Be sure not to leave on unattended.

Bundle up – Cold-weather clothes are great, such as long underwear, sweaters, hats, scarves and gloves. Some days you could simply bundle up and turn down the heat. It is cozy and do not forget that house slippers go a long way to keeping you warm! Wear plenty of thin layers, rather than one thick one. Put on a coat, hat, scarf, gloves and warm shoes or boots when you go outside. Wear clothes made of wool, cotton or fleecy synthetic fibers. Wear bed socks and thermal underwear at night.

Use an electric blanket – There is no need to heat the entire house while you are sleeping. It is not even necessary to even heat the room being slept in. An electric blanket is affordable and cozier. Also be sure not to leave unattended.

Close unused rooms – Do not heat rooms which no one stays in. Those rooms should be separate from the rest of the house. Although the rooms remain cold, there is no reason to keep them warm.

Keep a warm home during the day – Set the heat to come on earlier, rather than turning the thermostat up. This will not leave you cold while you wait for your home to heat.

Keep a warm home at night – Try to keep the temperature above 18°C (65°F) in your bedroom overnight. Open the window or door a little at night for ventilation if you use a fire or heater in your bedroom during winter.

Above all make sure you do not forget to have a nice, warm cup of hot chocolate or tea!

-Enjoy your Holidays! From Studio Brow-

15 responses

  1. Love your suggestions, only problem I have is that the house has two ,and only two, wood fired burners – I live in a house with a maximum of two warm rooms in the winter! Of course like the joke about God and Texas, I am fine with it.

    January 10, 2012 at 9:44 AM

  2. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog post. I really enjoyed yours as well. I never dress warmly enough in the winter and your tips brought me back to reality on that one. Thanks so much!

    January 10, 2012 at 11:34 PM

  3. These are great tips!!!

    January 11, 2012 at 2:02 PM

  4. Thank you for noticing and following my blog. I’m so excited. You’ve got some great tips here on how to stay warm, some of which I already follow. Once I get to my laptop I’m sure I’ll enjoy checking out the rest of your blog.

    Happy Monday!

    January 23, 2012 at 5:20 PM

  5. Vivien Veil

    Really good tips. It’s sooo cold now in London that the heating is on whenever I’m home. I’m going to try some of these to save money on gas bills.

    February 1, 2012 at 2:33 AM

  6. great tips !!! Two things you have listed I had finally started doing, one the warm clothes and slippers, 2nd the blinds open, found that is helping in my bedroom, now I realize I’ve got to work on the draft thing tho,

    nice blog, love the look !

    February 14, 2012 at 9:46 PM

  7. thanks for visiting my blog and liking it.. your tips here are very good ones. we have had an oil heater for years and I love the cozy heat it gives.

    February 23, 2012 at 9:25 PM

    • You’re welcome, Vicki. Glad you find them helpful, that is what we are all about; helping folks, to look and feel great =). Sounds like it keeps everyone warm for sure.

      February 23, 2012 at 9:47 PM

  8. I just wanted to thank you for the like and for signing up to follow my blog!

    March 21, 2012 at 1:49 AM

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